Coding by hand

I new I would be doing this in stages but I hadn’t realised just how long it would take me between getting back to it. today I managed to move onto the Coding by Hand exercise. Here we were writing out a really simple html document to get the hang of the basic structure and, to get used to the syntax. It took me seven attempts to get it down error free from memory, and I had to look up what the charset attribute was, but I got there in the end.

Now I’ve got the basic document structure memorised it should be easy to recall it for future exercises; I’ll type this out on notepad and save it which should make it faster for making files in the future. Here’s a picture of my final effort to get the code down correctly, the alignment isn’t great (neither is my handwriting for that matter) so I’d use graph paper in future to help with that if I was going to hand write any more code.



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